Fostering Faith

Do you remember who taught you how to pray? Or who introduced you to God and Jesus? For us, it was our parents. One of the best things our parents did for us was to participate equally in teaching us about God and introducing us to the bible through stories, books, and taking us to Sunday school.

One of the greatest gifts you can give to your children is for both you and your partner (when possible) to equally participate in the teaching of your children’s faith. This has two effects on your children:

  •  It demonstrates to your children that your faith is important to both of you. It also shows your children that you both support one another in the growth of your faith.
  • It creates an opportunity for some family time — even if it’s only for 10 minutes a night.

Our kids love doing prayers at night. While the meaning behind praying is still a mystery to them at a young age, they feel the connection we have as a family. And as they grow older (like our 14 year old), they also begin to develop their own faith…and what greater gift can we give as parents?


Two Step

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