Driving Lessons For Your Life

Could you imagine what would happen if we got rid of driver's education (ed.) courses for teenagers? Instead of having teenagers prepare for their license we just said, "Here you go" and "Good luck" when they got behind the wheel. It would be a disaster. My son is about two months away from starting driver's ed. and I'm terrified of all the what if's. He's a super responsible and accountable young man and that helps relieve a little bit of the fear, but it still doesn't take away from the fact that you can't always protect him. 

In order to prepare for behind the wheel my son will go through 50 hours of training. I think it's awesome. I wish the requirement were double. 

Now think about your life, your career, your spouse or significant other, your kids, etc. What lessons have you sat down to take in order to prepare yourself for these responsibilities?

If you're like most, you haven't prepared very much. You have shot from the hip and reacted more in your life than you have planned. 

A great way to see the driving factors in your life for each area is to determine what your values are for each bucket of your life. 

In your job what do you value most? Consistency, Contribution, Dominating the Marketplace, Creating Value? 

What about with your spouse? Adventure, Affection, Dreaming? 

With your kids? Acceptance, Education, Courtesy? 

The more that you can become self-aware of the driving factors/values in each area of your life you can start to reshape what is working for you and what isn't. Maybe some of the values you adopted early in your career no longer serve you. Maybe the values you once found paramount in your relationship with your spouse and kids need to be revisited and put back into action. 

Whatever the case may be, the more honest you can be with where you are in your life with your values and where you want to be (creating a new value system) you can drastically change your future for the better and enjoy the process along the way. 

For a list of values click here:

Values List (1)

Citations: "Defining Your Core Values". Peak-ICT. https://peak-ict.wikispaces.com/file/view/Defining+your+core+values+-+personal.pdf 

About the Author: 

Speaker. Developer. Collaborator. 
Storyteller. Christian. 
I am a husband to my gorgeous and gifted wife Kate and a lucky father of three amazing kids. My company, LifeWorks Group is based in the Twin Cities and focuses on strategic interventions of relationships in the workplace and at home. Over the past five years I have had the privilege and honor of working with hundreds of couples helping improve their relationships and working with organizations to improve employee morale, team dissatisfaction, and creating synergy in the workplace. 

To learn more about Zachary and LifeWorks Group visit: www.lovecommitsucceed.com


Two Step

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